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Employment Matters

Employment Matters

Managing your employees is an integral part of running any business, therefore we are here to help you in ensuring that your employment matters are in compliance with the local laws and regulations.

Employment Services We Offer

Employment Agreement
As seasoned Indonesian lawyers, we are able to help you in preparing employment agreements to ensure that they are legally compliant, protect the rights and interests of both employers and employees, and adhere to Indonesian labor laws and regulations. We will draft it customised to client's needs, for all types of job positions in various industries.

Company Regulations and Collective Labour Agreements
We can assist you in preparing company regulations and collective labour agreement to be in compliance with the prevailing laws and regulations in Indonesia and tailored it to company's needs.

Benefits, Social Security (BPJS)
We can advise you on types of benefits that your employees are entitled to and assist your company in registering as the sponsor of employees' social security.

Employer Reporting Obligation (WLTK)
Every Indonesian company is obliged to report its employment conditions to the relevant government authorities. We are here to help you with the preparation and submission of the annual employment report (WLTK).

Employee Stock Options (ESOP)
Given the increasing popularity of companies offering stock options to their employees, we can offer guidance to your company in structuring these options and creating the essential legal documentation if your company is considering issuing company stock options.
